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Member Since 21 Feb 2013
Offline May 03 2013 04:59 AM

Topics I've Started

Problem with premium

02 April 2013 - 12:27 PM

I have bought premium for 2 months but for some reason the 2 subscriptions were running at the same time and now the second month premium has expired on 2 april, while i still have a month left.

Can anyone fix this please? 

Ambrosia not working since 27-03

27 March 2013 - 07:54 AM

So today its stuck at entering the shop, I tried deleting open processes but it's still stuck when I try to run it.

I can edit the options etc but it's the same bug in every shop. And no I'm not restock banned. 


Anyone else having this problem?



Abrosia is stealth buying items

09 March 2013 - 03:43 PM

I'm running abrosia for 4+ hours, I didn't receive any messages of items being bought yet I still withdraw money from my shoptill.

Stopped it for a while and I caught some items in my inventory and few UB's in shop at 0np.


After reading a few thread here, it seems im not the only one with this problem(no logs).


Advanced member not working?

23 February 2013 - 08:54 AM



I just paid for advanced member but for some reason the program still sees me as a trial. I checked the client area on the website and it says this


Thank you for your order.

Please note: Your order is on hold, awaiting manual approval by our staff.
Once it is approved, you'll receive an email with further instructions. You can review all of your orders in your client area



Thank you for your business!"


This is a screenshot from my paypal to proof I have indeed paid for it. It does say some weird shit about it being processed until 1 march, so no clue about that and I did cancel the subscription because I only want to pay for 1 month but the 5 dollars have been written off my paypal, so it should be good.



Is there some manual activation done by mods?