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Member Since 05 Mar 2013
Offline Mar 20 2014 07:51 AM

Topics I've Started

There's something behind you. Just...don't look. Stay still. Don't turn aro...

11 June 2013 - 09:58 AM

I bet you laughed for a second. Then clicked my topic. And that irritating subconscious of yours just made you check anyways. It's funny how that nagging feeling works on the brain. 


Hi! I'm Ghost. My account isn't exactly new, but I haven't really done much posting yet. Mostly, I just parse avatars and use the item database. But I figure I love getting to know communities of Neopetters, and what better way to do that than outside of Neopets? 


At first, I played on an old main, then my brother compromised the account and perma'd/iced it. So I moved to another main. THAT main was iced for seemingly nothing at all. 


Currently, I'm on a really bad Neopets account, after being chain frozen for something I didn't do. Whatever. I just miss my pets. I'm working on getting my old OLD main back. But man...I had such a killer Krawk on my newer main. . And a Wraith Kougra I loved. 

Anyways, that's what brought me here. When TNT did that to me with seemingly NO reason at all, I was upset. I've played fairly all these years, but now I see people just like me being shot down for no reason. I wanted to do something about that, I wanted to give to those people that have been going through the same things I have, and help them out. 


So...that's my story. I like creepster stuff. Like aliens and gore. I'm a Pre-Med student. 


Hey there ;)