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Member Since 10 Mar 2013
Offline Jun 14 2014 06:20 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Magic: The Gathering

10 March 2013 - 09:17 PM

 I remember this game! It was huge in high school. Everyone played it and the popular kids were the kids with the best cards. It did kind of confuse me though. My brother was really good at it, he won tons of tournaments and stuff for it.

In Topic: Looking for (classic) film recommendations!

10 March 2013 - 08:57 PM

Have you seen A Fish Called Wanda? Very funny. Also, you should see I Love You To Death. That one is pretty hilarious, too.

In Topic: Is the world better with or without religion?

10 March 2013 - 08:41 PM

 I think the world would be better with religion. Sure, it causes fights and arguments, but it also brings people together. People all over meet up in church and temple to support their beliefs. There has been religion ever since there was man, and taking it away would be like taking away a part of what it means to be human. Also, people need someone to blame for when crap happens, i.e God. It stops a lot of people from committing crimes and stuff, too, like if they think God is watching over them and will send them to hell or something. I'm an atheist myself, but that's just my two cents.