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Member Since 18 Apr 2013
Offline Jan 08 2014 03:36 PM

Topics I've Started

Hello There..

24 April 2013 - 03:51 PM

I've been using this site for at least like 1 month and sorta just figured out about the registration, autobuyer, and forums... eh.


I started playing Neopets when I was like 6, and I think the most np I'd ever had at once was like 10k so I quit because I couldn't buy anything, because I'd spend it all on expensive things that looked pretty but had no purpose. I've rediscovered the site like at least 3 times, and recently about 2 months ago. I had to make a new account because I forgot the password to my old one, and its unlinked from the email or something. I really wish I knew it because Im pretty sure theres valuable stuff on there. 

Well thats it for my really bad introduction, hello (:  

Doesn't Buy Anything?

18 April 2013 - 07:01 PM

My abrosia seems to be working, but it never buys anything. I had it up for an hour with really low setting for profit. It was like 500 neopoint profit, because this is my first time using it I didn't want to have any high expectations. I don't have premium, and I'm using a windows computer. All it shows is how long till the next update, and how many items in the shop. It also doesn't trying for anything. Like I had no updates unless they are random events... are my settings not working orr?