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Member Since 20 Apr 2013
Offline May 10 2013 10:52 PM

Topics I've Started

Newbie ahoy!

22 April 2013 - 05:44 PM

Just joined up recently. I'm mostly a lurker, but I figured I should actually probably introduce myself a little bit in case I want to use the forums more. Mainly I don't because there's rarely anything useful I can add to a discussion. This is my second post on these forums because, for once, I could add something! And in my enthusiasm I forgot I hadn't made an introductory post. Mea culpa. 

At any rate, I'm Lazysugar (not on Neo). 'Lazy' is fine, and jarringly accurate. I'm wallowing in a bit of nostalgia because I used to play Neo legit way back when (before the rampant commercialization, at any rate). I was a little stressed with the end of the semester approaching and I thought a bit of lighthearted fun seemed a good way to relax. I'm not doing it legit now because I like programs to do the parts I don't want to do so I can have the money to do what I do want to do (Did I mention 'Lazy' was fine?).


I'm such a bloody casual.


My thanks to those responsible for the use of your programs :)