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Member Since 22 Apr 2013
Offline Apr 23 2013 03:59 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: How'd you find out about Neocodex?

23 April 2013 - 03:31 PM

I was doing the daily crossword on Neopets when I came to realize that the site I was using that's usually so dang accurate with its hints, answers, etc. was wrong about one of the answers, claiming that it was "fire," yet that "f" was replacing a necessary "L."

After figuring out the answer for myself, "light," I decided to Google the hint, "faerie who rewards questers with levels," and clicked a link to a thread on here that has all these hints, and with most answered.

When I noticed that the hint I had just found the answer for was unanswered, I decided to join this site so that I could get the answer in there for others to be able to use.


So, yeah. That's how I actually got into this yesterday.

In Topic: I always respect someone who:

23 April 2013 - 03:10 PM

I'm glad your sig contains a warning cause I was about to be like wtf.

Yeah, but I'm starting to think I may want to stop now (hiding something under "Spoiler" doesn't get rid of it, obviously).

Alas, and I am limited to my usual, formal speech.


On topic, though, I would have to also agree with your prior post; all of them are definitely respectable.

I also respect those who are addicts quitting for one they care for, whether they be family or friend. As a close friend to an addict of many different things who refuses to listen to me on this topic, I know how hard it is to hear about what they're doing and see them fade away because of it. I've lost so much, if not all respect towards him.

In Topic: I always respect someone who:

23 April 2013 - 02:54 PM

You mean like, even the basic amount of respect, that every other human deserves? Thank god you're not in a position of trust like a teacher or something..

I think I may have ta agree with ya on this one. Then again, lots of teachers refuse ta trust us students much, if at all, which is kinda disrespectful, wouldn't you agree?

Which makes a good start for one o' my reasons for respectin' my English IV teacher; she respects us, fully, 'n trusts us. I mean, c'mon, we're her all-senior class, my class is :)


I also respect those who respect others 'round them.

I respect those who express themselves, no matter what the rest of the world has t' think about it.

Those who are willing to stay after they're done to pick up the mess of others at lunch or breakfast at school when no one else will or has and without being told to; that's character right there.

Those who can still smile in even the saddest moments o' their lives, after the worst has happened to 'em.

People who are willing to stop on their way somewhere jus' ta cheer a stranger up 'cause they look down. Wish I knew their names still, 'n this was months ago tha' they did this.


And, of course, those who respect me.

Hope I ain't gettin' too deep with all this stuff here ">.>

In Topic: How many accounts do you have?

23 April 2013 - 02:40 PM


I've got one main 'n one "backup."

I also kinda made my second one for avatar reasons, since some require a cert'n type of pet, but I went 'n already made four on my main before knowin' the limit's four per account, then went 'n got attached to all four of 'em ^-^"

In Topic: Just Joined

22 April 2013 - 04:46 PM

Ladies ladies, you should watch some real anime.

Huh. My older sis told me 'bout that one. Might start watchin' it now, 'specially after seein' this XD

I'm such a weird gal XD


Thank you for the warm welcomes, Turnip and Chappy!

Same with everyone else, too, by the way! Seemin' like a nice place so far. Might actually stay here for a while, but mostly for the chattin' an' now the item database :3