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Member Since 17 May 2013
Offline Aug 04 2014 04:03 PM

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22 May 2013 - 09:39 PM

Hey guys! I've been playing Neopets for quite a while now, close to 6 years. I've used this sites ID for quite a while, and now I'm trying the autobuyer.


Quick question about it, I've used it for 2 days now, and I'm getting really nervous. The log doesn't match what it really buys. I get red messages saying that an item couldn't be bought because of the 5 second rule, but when I check my inventory, there the item is (and it's a rare plushie so I know there was only 1). There was no confirmation that abrosia actually bought the item. Sometimes it doesn't even log anything. I'll have 3 things that the autobuyer bought, but there's no log of it.


As I'm writing this, the autobuyer is buying stuff even though I quit the program and don't have any scheduled times!!! What's going on?