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Member Since 13 Sep 2013
Offline Oct 08 2013 05:16 PM

Topics I've Started


13 September 2013 - 10:32 AM

Hello everyone. I'm new to the forums, but not to the site itself (I've been lurking and using the item database quite a lot!)


I've been playing neopets for years, on and off. Never really been heavy into restocking, but I do enjoy Key Questing, Battledoming, and writing for the Poetry Gallery every once in a while to make legit neopoints. I'm considering using some of the wonderful programs offered here, since I'm a busy college student and can't make much of a neo-income during the school year. Or I might just stay legit and have fun chatting with you all xD


Also, a bit off-topic, but I've noticed that quite a few people like to use Pokémon-related avatars; are there many Pokémon fans here? If so, and you play Gen IV or later games, I'm able to hatch shinies on my Platinum game with RNG abuse. So if anyone would be interested, I can hatch 'em something ^_^