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Member Since 30 Nov 2013
Offline Feb 06 2014 10:50 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: whats in your room?

11 January 2014 - 02:19 PM

I have a bed, a dresser, and a closet.

My room used to be all fun-looking until my folks decided to remodel it.  Now it's boring. :C

fun looking to not? you don;t get a say in how your room looks? D: 


Pretty much nothing lmao it went from this


to a huge mess because mom started working on her art projects in here ;_;

That wouldn't be very fun :/ sorry to hear :( .. I was roomless for a whole year and it was rough. Just couch surfing at friends house on weekends and on week days on my dads couch. but it was expected.. it was an interesting year thats for sure. but I didn't miss not having a room

In Topic: What are you living for?

11 January 2014 - 01:06 AM

Living for enjoying my life with traveling, dancing and loving my friends and family. And one day to have kids of my own to live for them.

In Topic: Fashion trends you followed that you wish you hadn't

11 January 2014 - 01:02 AM

Well not going to lie, I've been through several styles or whatever over the years but I don't really wish I never didn't do any of them cause at that time in my life it's what was either "in" or something you just liked.. In high school I enjoyed being different so I had a lot of werid and or creative clothing going on  :rolleyes:.... but..


I recall in grade 3/4? I had a dream where I had purple hair/everything I wore was purple.. so I told my mom I wanted to wear ALL purple to school..  :lol2:

In Topic: What's your favorite electronic?

11 January 2014 - 12:54 AM

I'd have to say my phone.. just because it's useful as a way to contact family and friends, take photos, use social media sites and a mp3 player.. and everything els a smartphone is good for...

Although, I'm trying to get into the habit of not having it on me as much and such.. I find the way people "hangout" or socialize has been ruined by phones.. 

go to a dinner, concert,party etc and everyone's uploading it to fb/ig? too busy updating the online life instead of living in the moment..

In Topic: TV Shows!

02 December 2013 - 08:14 PM

I actually don't really like too much tv. I enjoy friends, games, online life and outdoor stuff mostly. Although, a friend of mine got me into Skins (UK version) And I really liked it.. They finished season 7 of it a while back.. but it's one you can't stop watching.. or that's how I felt.