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Member Since 15 Dec 2013
Offline Feb 21 2014 04:07 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: 2014 Neopies

18 January 2014 - 09:25 AM

This kind of seems like a pointless event...


Kind of like an actual human award show :)

In Topic: Legalization of marijuana, Yay or Nay?

13 January 2014 - 09:45 AM

I don't care because the only time I tried once I didn't feel anything...


Most first time users don't notice anything their very first time. There are a few different causes for this. One of the most prevalent ones I believe is that when inhaling smoke for the first time most really don't know how to do it. Plus smoke is harsh on the lungs, especially when it's the first time an individual has inhaled any kind of smoke. When inhaling and instantly coughing all the smoke out one it will diminish the effect, especially if not inhaled properly. I've always found that people do not really know what to expect when it is their first time smoking weed. In my opinion marijuana is a subtle drug.


I have absolutely no problem smoking a bowl and then functioning in every day society. I can go to class, drive a car, talk professionally with people, and overall not make a complete ass of myself in public. Admittedly, yes, there have been a few occasions where I've had laugh-attacks or something silly like that, but overall it's not a huge difference from sober-life. Not only that, but it makes me a better student. This is just through my personal experience. This past semester at Michigan State University I had a group-research paper to do and at the end of the semester we had to give a presentation in front of the class and a board of professionals. Extensive research was done on the issue of climate change. Before smoking this project was just a thing that I had to do and it did not ever sound fun, but ten minutes and a bowl later I was more than ready to hop on the computer and research. In my opinion smoking weed and the subtle high it provides makes learning FUN. I love reading about how systems and processes work. I love compiling information, and I love listening to teachers lecture. Most would consider these attitudes beneficial, and I see a direct correlation between my interest in education and cannabis use. 

With that being said, Lansing recently decriminalized marijuana so as long as I am here I am set. However, it hasn't yet been decriminalized in my hometown of Muskegon, I'm hoping it will be one-day. 

Decriminalize this shit. There's no reason for me to sit in jail for 30 some days because I smoked a bowl in my living room. That's outrageous. 

In Topic: Pteri - Dargian

13 January 2014 - 09:25 AM

Does anyone know the significance of the 644 days required to get the avatar? It's such a random number. 

In Topic: Status symbol avatars

13 January 2014 - 09:23 AM

I love the old war avatars. The meridell one is probably my favorite. I lost my main account a few years back that had all of the war avatars, wars I participated in and for the most part did pretty well in. Golly, I miss those days. 


With that being said, they aren't necessarily a status symbol as they mostly mark account age.


I've always been a fan of the Suap avatar. It's becoming much more common nowadays though, but truthfully I've always loved the LD stamp avatar. I've only seen it used a couple of times and I was jealous. 

In Topic: NP

13 January 2014 - 09:19 AM

^ Yes. The food shop isn't exactly a money-maker. It's not bad, but you may have better luck in shop 14 or 15 (Chocolate and the Bakery respectively). I tend to pretty drastically cut my prices from whatever the lowest is on the SW. This is because I prefer to make lots of small, quick sales compared to waiting a week or two for a single item to sell and only getting a mere 10-20k on it.


Definitely AB on your 8-month old account as well. Abrosia won't necessarily "swallow" your money up, it is only going to purchase things at a profit. If anything look at the items it purchases as an investment.