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Member Since 12 Mar 2014
Offline Mar 08 2016 11:42 PM

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In Topic: Question about account freezings

22 May 2014 - 08:31 PM

Wow thanks for the responses guys! One more question, do you think you're bound to be caught eventually? it seems a lot of people get frozen for restocking even lower priced items. Have people managed to keep accounts unfrozen for long periods of times despite continuing to use abrosia?


Yet to be seen for me!  I'll keep ya updated ;) *knocks on wood*

In Topic: Question about account freezings

22 May 2014 - 07:51 PM

I'm new to the news about this whole Jumpstart taking over thing.  I guess I don't pay attention at all to who owns Neopets :p  Anyone know about this company?  Going back to the main topic, I feel that people who get frozen for autobuying are the owns who over use it and constantly are getting high profit/rare items...it just looks suspicious.  But if the company is in transition, no one may be paying as much attention to that... only time will tell.

In Topic: Here's a list of how to transfer items from shells to your main!

13 March 2014 - 07:11 PM

Can I just say that I have been thinking about this for a bit and I think it's pretty ridiculous there is even a "TNT" that monitors this kind of stuff so closely.  I mean, come on now, it's just a virtual pet site for kids with virtual items, and it's like they're the Gestapo watching our every move... kinda creepy, not to mention pretty lame.  


That being said, I don't think that they have a whole staff monitoring what we are doing, like someone said above - its probably a computer program that tracks certain things and flags activities.  Figuring out how to stay off its radar is key I suppose.  


Good guide though, gave me some things to think about... I need to be more careful I guess.  I've just been transferring money over by buying 99k junk in my shops... no proxy or anything.  Maybe I'll just befriend all my accounts and give items back and forth, like suggested above.  I feel that a computer program would have a hard time tracking suspicious vs non suspicious using that method.

In Topic: What do you do to pay bills?

13 March 2014 - 05:36 PM

I'm working as Technical Consultant and I troubleshoot TV, landline and Internet connection issues. I work for a cable company, currently enjoying the job although I have a degree in BS Nursing but I'm not practising my nursing profession because here in my country, it's so hard to find a job related to our College degree.


What do I want to do in the future?

Probably own a business because although I love my job, being employed can be a drag sometimes. No time for anything.


I am curious as to what country you live in where you can't use your nursing degree?  Did you get the degree in a different country?


I graduated with a BS in nursing as well, but I have yet to start working...still waiting to be licensed.  Currently serving at a Japanese sushi & noodle restaurant  :S I'm making enough money to pay the bills and save up a little extra, but I am impatient to be making more.


@wildwolfspirit - I would love to work from home...so jealous!

In Topic: Hey!

13 March 2014 - 05:20 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, its much appreciated!!  I will definitely check out the contests, they sound fun!


And yep, I'm just a Nikki, my mom named me after some character on the soap days of our lives  :rolleyes: