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Member Since 25 Apr 2014
Offline May 25 2014 11:57 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [Guide] FastClicker + Habitarium = More NP!

29 April 2014 - 04:15 PM

I see, thank you. I'll have to get on gettting to 50 then I s'pose.

In Topic: [Guide] FastClicker + Habitarium = More NP!

28 April 2014 - 11:19 PM

I don't get neopoints from gems :\ is there a level requirement?

In Topic: The Relation Between a Substandard Childhood and Useless Adults

28 April 2014 - 08:43 PM

I grew up in foster homes. My mother had drug problems. I'm sort of the one foster care success story my amazing adopted father has. Graduating college within the year.


It's very true. Most of my foster brothers were, are, and will continue to be drains on society. Even my biological brother who went through it all with me.

I had something to distract me from my issues: girls, books, video games (no internet), computer programming (from books). The rest of them were just assholes who wanted to see the world burn.

In Topic: Feminism

28 April 2014 - 08:34 PM

I know it's nonsensical. That's why I think the idea of feminism is absurd.


Where's the feminists fighting for rape laws to remove the "penetration" requirement for girl-on-guy rape?


Where are the feminists fighting for male rights, period.

Oh sure, they're covering the bases of things like paternal leave because it supports their own right for maternal leave.

It is, by definition, gender equality *for women*.

In Topic: Feminism

28 April 2014 - 08:26 PM

No there is a problem with feminism, the fact that it's gender equality *for women*.

There's no feminists in a house fire.

This, is the problem that feminism doesn't address: