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Member Since 10 May 2014
Offline Jun 25 2014 07:23 PM

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Cheat! AP Broken?

27 May 2014 - 02:16 PM



First of I am new here, been using the program manager for a few weeks now and lurking the forums. I love Program Manager, I use it quite often..


When I first started using it, Cheat! was my favourite to use but lately it seems like it is broken. When I launch it it says playing Cheat! but never displays any messages beyond that, it never actually crashed until I close it then I get an error message.


I was just curious to see if other users had similar experience with it. I've tried uninstalling it and reinstalling a few times, to no avail. I searched around the forum but could not find a recent thread that was still active for this particular AP.


I'll post my error code later when I am not at work.


Thanks everyone