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Member Since 19 May 2014
Offline Jan 04 2020 07:16 AM

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Is clicking on direct links to Neo safe?

23 May 2014 - 02:04 PM

I love web analytics. One of my favourite features of web analytics is that I can see what websites link to my website. In fact, I can see which specific users have clicked those links.


So it got me thinking. Is it safe to click on links to Neopets from within the forum? 


I have no idea how much TNT actually pays attention to how users click through to their site (other than, of course, to track their own marketing campaigns). Is there any sort of magical redirection wand waving going on so TNT can't tell the link is from Neocodex? (I'm not a l337 web developer so I don't know how easy/difficult that would be.)


It would be so easy for TNT to sort their incoming traffic by incoming links and just ban every account associated with cheating websites that way. (Eek.)


I did my best to search the forum to see if this question has been answered, terribly sorry if it has!

Poppin' my forum cherry

23 May 2014 - 05:22 AM





I'm Anna, and I've been playing Neo on and off since 2001. I've never been a hardcore player, but now that I'm working on collecting avatars and trophies more seriously a bit of automation sounds nice.


I play the game mostly legitimately. (This forum might encourage me to change this.) Some aspects of the site are just boring, and working means I don't have a million hours to play every week.


Some guides, some help, a place to chat, and every now and then a bit of automation sounds perfect. 'Bout time I found a place to talk about Neo where people don't take it so bloody seriously! (Ermergerd you called me a Poogle, I'm telling my mommy!)


And who knows, Neocodex might encourage me to start working on some Neo coding. We'll have to see. 



TL;DR Hi bye, see you around! ^_^