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Member Since 22 May 2014
Offline Sep 13 2014 01:57 PM

Topics I've Started

I hate these things. It makes me feel like I'm at an AA meeting.

22 May 2014 - 03:29 PM

I never know what to say in these things.


Guess I'll start with the obligatory..


Hi, my name is Panthro, and I'm .. new (obviously). 


I've been playing Neo for 13 years (?). Haven't been frozen but that's mainly because I'm neopoint poor and fly under the radar. 


I live in the best country in the world; England (no offence), and like the things everyone else does, which makes me pretty boring. 


Why did I join this forum? Because sometimes the users on Neo make me want to slap someone and if I said that there it would not be well received. 


I realise this post comes across as pretty pessimistic. I'm not. I don't take much seriously, love a good joke and I'm quite sarcastic and blunt, which can come across as offensive - but I'm not trying to be. So I'd like to take this moment to apologise for all the things I will say that you will take badly because you have no sense of humour


And I'm going to stop there because this is turning into a car crash of a first post. 


......I don't know how to end this so here's a dancing banana  :nana: