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Member Since 01 Jun 2014
Offline Dec 01 2014 04:42 PM

Topics I've Started

Guys I messed up

29 November 2014 - 06:10 PM

I forgot that the time entered is supposed to be in seconds not minutes (I hadn't touched the score sender in a while), so I sent a score of 600+ in 10 seconds on a game... UGH I'M AN IDIOT. What should I do? I sent in a ticket with a lame excuse, so I don't know if that'll fly... should I transfer my pets and self freeze? It's on my main (stupid I know) so I'm really attached to this account.

(Also, hope it's in the right forum)

Account access

09 September 2014 - 01:46 PM

Okay, so I need some help accessing an old side account of mine... I hope this is the right place to post about it.

So anyway, I sent a ticket about it on Neopets, but apparently the email had been changed. Even though it says on the lookup: "To TNT: This is (username's) SIDE account" and it has been there since the account existed, and I provided as much info as I could, they wouldn't help me because I didn't give them the correct email address.

I have no other emails except for two, with an additional one that I deleted, so I have no clue what address it could be.


I usually wouldn't care, but as well as the account being 7+ years old, I have a pet there named after my eldest brother (who I can't see a lot for reasons I promised not to tell) and I'd like it if I can get him back instead of waiting until who knows when for the account to be purged and recreating him. Heck, I don't even want the account! I just want my well-named pets!


I know this all sounds silly, but I'd appreciate your help! I'll PM the username if needed.

Uh... hi

01 June 2014 - 10:43 AM

I joined because after all my years at Neopets I still don't have that Island PB I always wanted (probably cos I spent it all on the lab map, durrrrp).

Also cos people here look nice. So hi guys. :D

Prolly won't post a lot since I'm quite shy... but I'll try to be sociable!