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Member Since 02 Jun 2014
Offline Sep 30 2014 08:34 AM

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In Topic: What really grinds YOUR gears?

16 July 2014 - 01:13 PM

Yeah that would annoy the fuck out of me, too. Right now I'm the one working and my boyfriend is the one who keeps up on the housework, and I'm perfectly okay with that. People say, "Well he should get a job." or something and it annoys the everliving shit out of me.


We've gone and decided that we're going to switch places. He's going to apply for the same job that I have right now, because it pays well (for us, since we don't have children) but it stresses me out so badly I'm basically a potato when I'm not at home. (FYI, I'm a correctional officer--being a female in a male prison is very stressful for me)


So I'm going to pick back up my novel ideas and start writing again, and possibly get a part-time job. And ain't no one else but us needs to have a say in it.



Good for you! I wish you all the luck with your writing (or that ptj). And yeah, I can only imagine how stressful that kind of job must be. Did you stick with that job to kind of spite the people who tried to tell you your boyfriend should be doing it? 'Cause I so would have. lol

Also another thing that grinds my gears are people who try to dictate someone else's major life event. Like for my wedding - I have certain people I refuse to invite that I know would ruin it if they WERE invited. But if I don't invite them, I will receive major consequences with other people. It's our money, our wedding, and our choice. I think it's sad how entitled some people believe they are especially because they think sharing blood gives them some sort of "right". Being family is never an excuse for reprehensible behavior.

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

14 July 2014 - 12:34 PM

Changed colour to 8-bit.


Not sure how I feel.  :ohwell:

In Topic: What really grinds YOUR gears?

14 July 2014 - 12:31 PM

People who like to say their opinion on other's lives the moment they tell them a little about themselves. 

I'm always afraid to tell people I'm a housewife because of all the comments I usually receive on the subject. "Your significant other must be so horrible! How dare he?" "You're lazy!" "Can't you get a part-time job?" "But you're so smart!" etc etc... then I have to defend myself, as if I need to justify our lifestyle choices to them. As if our finances or my time is their business. :(

I'm okay with them having opinions but I don't understand why people believe it's open season on other's lives. Have some etiquette, sheesh.

Also can't stand waiters/waitresses who are too pushy. The kind that will say "So we'll see you tomorrow, right?" or argue with you on what you want to order/don't want to order. 

In Topic: What really grinds YOUR gears?

17 June 2014 - 01:16 PM

Power abuse.

Especially shitty little forum moderators who can't play the game well so they try to act all big and punish the community where they got their ass kicked.  And then silence anyone into oblivion when they get caught screwing up.
( Irrelevant to here, obviously. )

People who don't apologize and just pretend a fight never happened. You don't just sweep things under the rug or hide from your problems. Confront it. Handle that shit. People don't forget. Is pride really that important to some people? Ugh.

In Topic: What really grinds YOUR gears?

09 June 2014 - 03:55 AM

When our horrible neighbors allow their children to run around screaming outside our cheap window and banging on the outside wall of our apartment's thin wall at ungodly hours (and all throughout the day). 

When my upstairs neighbors pump their shitty loud hiphop music/bass also at ungodly hours FOR hours.