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Member Since 26 Jun 2014
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In Topic: New here!

26 June 2014 - 02:04 PM

Thanks for the welcome guys.  Maybe if I have time later I'll look at neopets later.  I'm trying to coli grind as much as possible on FR before the game holiday is over.  I find it interesting that FR doesn't tend to monitor their own site but are stalking people on others.  I love the game, it's about time they actually made a dragon sim game but the staff there aren't so great.

I also have to say I love Pokemon, haven't played as much as I would like.  I still don't have the 3ds so no X and Y for me :(  I love messing with emulators but for some reason my gaming pc has a harder time handling them than my laptop.


@Sweeney Yes, that is what brought me here ;)  Your work is awesome but I plan on reading up on more of it before making a decision on using it.  I'm not sure exactly what FR is monitoring so I'll leave it at that.