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Member Since 05 Jul 2014
Offline Jul 05 2014 10:32 AM

Topics I've Started


05 July 2014 - 10:31 AM

It's a pleasure to be given the opportunity to introduce myself.


I am Asuka, a third year university student playing Neopets in the interludes of my studies to reminisce about childhood days gone by. I am majoring in philosophy to further my depth of human understanding, but I am studying towards becoming a lawyer, a slightly ironic disclosure as I am part of this site. I remember playing Neopets in elementary school and, after losing my account of many years to the Neopets administration's love of unjustified freezing, I turned to this site to commiserate with others sharing similar stories. I have no coding talent, but I look forward to contributing on the site and getting to know the rest of the community.


I pass my time learning and furthering the limits of my own knowledge. I am fascinated by language, learning the lexicons and grammars of my native English and Japanese to draft stylistic poetry in standard prose. I have studied auxiliary alphabets of sign language, Braille, and Morse/Wabun code to widen my breadth of communication today and I study Greek and Latin to expand my appreciation of Romance languages' predecessors years ago. I could continue to write about my revelry in what I have come and am coming to know, but this summary, however tangential, illustrates my personality in a monochromatic sketch, recognizable though without the color detail about my studies learning pi, the periodic table, and the world and sky maps.


I question social conventions and cultural politics, but I have a particular dislike for the implictly necessary pretext in speaking with strangers. I love to hear other thoughts and points of view, and I think the perceived awkward stigma regarding unsolicited conversation is an inhibitor to friendships with people one would have otherwise never met. With much warmth, to anyone who may take the time to read my posts, please feel welcome to message me. If about manga, politics, or the corners of the Internet others may make a concerted effort to avoid, I would be truly happy to reply in kind for as long as one might reply back.