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Member Since 25 Nov 2005
Offline Jun 13 2006 05:01 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Funny Announcment At Shcool..

03 December 2005 - 01:05 AM

Wow.. eating coal.. no comment =D

In Topic: Hydro Has Abandoned Us! *cry*

03 December 2005 - 12:56 AM

Yup, Hydro and Noit are both off to college and its consuming all of their free time. :(

EDIT: I meant university, but you know what I mean. :p

Technically in the US it's college... if you're going by Canadian terms that is =D

[Key: US - Canada]
High School - College
College - University

I don't know about other differences in terms though... I think I've got those ones right, could be wrong, but iirc those are correct

In Topic: High School Entrance Exam Tomorrow.

02 December 2005 - 11:29 PM

Entrance exam eh? Those are always easy - I wouldn't worry about it (even though you're in bed though and this probably won't get read until afterward) - good luck =D

In Topic: Ebay

02 December 2005 - 11:25 PM

4.5million?? That's just sad...

Ya know, I've gotta ask, how the HELL do people find these things on eBay? Better question is why they're even there in the first place...

As for the Jay Leno chip thing, never heard of that one

In Topic: Crazy Day

02 December 2005 - 11:20 PM

Wow O_o I've had some weird days but that blows them all away

(PS, it's spelled "retarded", not "retarted" - bugs me because that's somehow an INSANELY common misspelling despite the word being used every two seconds)