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Member Since 12 Jul 2014
Offline Jun 24 2016 11:14 AM

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In Topic: "well known" neopets peoplez

19 June 2015 - 12:58 PM

Yeah he is still here. I just saw one of his posts on the boards. 


Still, I fail to see how he's a perv, but then again, I've just now looked him up.

But I seriously doubt this dude buys Gucci or Louis Vuitton, which is what he is claiming. He says he is an expert on "finer clothings". That's easy to say when you're on a website with kids who will believe almost anything you throw at them, LOL.


once he made a ENTIRE board about going to a gas station and having an adventure. o.o

In Topic: "well known" neopets peoplez

19 June 2015 - 09:20 AM

Honestly, doesn't surprise me at all finding people like that in this kind of site.

A few years ago (maybe 2007-2008?) there was "rumours" of a portuguese TNT male staff member getting involved with a female player. Ok, they were both adult, but still...

And in the end, when people found out (god knows how that happened), he was such a dick that send her and her friends' accounts to hell.

Nice move, eh.

damn o.o that was mean.

In Topic: What really grinds YOUR gears?

19 June 2015 - 09:00 AM

An incompetent, or careless, land lady.

This buttwipe poisons my dog last year, spend 1.5 years NOT fixing a crappy AC, so that now it can finally die while I swelter in 88F at 66% humidity. wtf


oh my gosh so sorry about your dog! can't you report her to the police for that!?

In Topic: "well known" neopets peoplez

19 June 2015 - 08:57 AM

tbh i always thought raezyr was the coolest because she owns "I Am Cool" the uc plush draik,  "Lily" the uc rg cybunny, and a bunch of other neat pets like V the uc fae draik.


just my opinion. 

Bori_bomber, infamous pedophile that stalks children in the newbie board, compliments himself through his sock puppets and sends battledome challenges to people without trained pets. Also claims to be shy and anti-social but constantly makes threads about himself.


jesus christ i hate that guy o.o i see him a bunch and it's just...why?

In Topic: Your celebrity/character crushes

17 June 2015 - 07:58 PM

ermm, Sam Dekker >.< i love basketball and he's so cute omg