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Member Since 01 Sep 2014
Offline Jun 10 2016 08:11 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hey!

30 May 2015 - 01:52 PM

Hi there, I'm relatively new to Neocodex (I've been here for a week or so). The name's Rena, but most of my IGNs are Rilianie. I've also only been playing Neopets just recently.


The scavenger hunt requires me to post 5 facts about me, right?

1. I'm a gamer girl. And I mean relatively competitive gamer girl. I play two MOBAs regularly and have plenty of experience. I also play a FPS game and MMO.

2. I eat two meals every day, skipping lunch.

3. I'm an otaku, meaning a fan of manga/anime. And vocaloid music.

4. Tying into the above fact, I can speak two languages fluently and understand three other languages.

5. I am literally a professional procrastinator.

You sould like me, although I eat one more meal a day, and minus the languages thing. I'm not nearly THAT smart. :p

In Topic: How much cheating have you gotten away with on neo so far?

20 September 2014 - 07:02 AM

I don't cheat too often, only to get a trophy on the first of the month every once in awhile. Even then I tend not to get them due to other people getting even higher scores than my fake ones. :p I did unintentionally get a Dice-a-Roo trophy while auto-playing that too, along with getting the avatar. But whenever I do cheat, it's only on my main. I don't use shells or any of that shit.