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Member Since 02 Oct 2014
Offline Nov 02 2014 06:26 AM

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In Topic: Duplication Glitch?

20 October 2014 - 08:27 AM

more and more accounts now stepping out to sell items  each day now.


iv seen a 1 week account try and sell 8x10m items today

there is currently a SUaP in auctions for 5m today with 150k inc

there is a guy on BDC trying to sell 85 sword of ari but only 1month old account

there are also some pretty legit looking people selling MBombs on BDC that I know never RSed one at the time and could never afford to buy one.


seems like maybe tnt's is keeping its head down waiting for all the un-iced lurkers to come on out :p


I really don't get why they do that. The items are hardly worth a thing right now anyways. Wait a year, maybe 2 or even three, and they'll be one hundred times the value that they could be sold for today. :/ + it's risky since tnt is still lurking indeed. I think patience is the key to fortune here. Why do you quickly need some extra nps anyways? The economy is more of a mess than it usually is and it won't really benefit you to buy things right now anyways. :/

In Topic: Duplication Glitch?

15 October 2014 - 12:35 AM

The detection system has seemed really weird for quite some time I think. I do remember hearing from trustworthy forum members that accounts get flagged for being used on multiple IPs. It's quite annoying since it makes perfect sense to be in a position like the one you described! 



Lol that guild must be funny.  :lol2:  That's very awkward that someone was that desperate for neopoints, maybe they'll get silenced so they can't beg anymore haha!



Then again it'd be weird since it has been months since he last used the account so technically it has been used only over 1 IP address in the past time. 


It is ineed annoying but they didn't do anything about it yet, and then again, would be weird. It is really easy to even manually change your IP address, and sometimes without your choice, your IP changes. (My laptop and my bf's wifi do not like one another and his router somehow deletes my laptop from the IP list and randomly gives a new one when it feels like it too). I haven't had any trouble with it and it's been two years since I played like this. I doubt it raises a red flag somehow. More logic would be to me if like, you play over 1 or 2 IP's all the time, and suddenly for one time, a different one is used, then the old ones again etc. But if the IP changes all the time, I'm not sure they could make a thing out of that. 

In Topic: Duplication Glitch?

14 October 2014 - 11:15 PM


Did the account change ip after being inactive for a while?  :S It's shocking to hear that they could be that thorough, they haven't hit my overly-obvious shells with overly obvious items yet... lol

hmm "change" is hard to tell.. More like, he logs on over different networks (his home, my hostel, my home, his school) so he logs on a different IP every day (or even multiple times a day). + the IP at my hostel is reset every 8 days.  Though supposedly the account has only been logged in for a few minutes over one network before being logged off again. 


That kinda worries me though, they miss the obvious one yet somehow manage to sniff out a really well hidden one. O_o

In Topic: Duplication Glitch?

14 October 2014 - 09:54 AM

His freezing is definitely not by coincidence, when you can still see obvious dupers still around with less than a few minutes of looking up. He must have something in his account that the neo-vigilante reported, or he have some items that have x10 or more. Something obvious must have triggered a report.


You are giving TNT too much credit despite your bf account laying low.



When I say dumb users, I'm referring to the users that are lending/borrowing now.

As far as I know, he had only 2 items left and hasn't duped more than 6 items (did one dupe, got 6 items straight away) I am fairly certain he didn't do anything and no one on Neo really knows him or reported him or anything. All I can imagine is that it's because he duped an MSPP tcg, and because that's a red flag right now, perhaps they just look over each and every MSPP? 


They deserve that much credit I guess, after failing badly, even a minor achievement of tracking down a less obvious dupe is amazing for their ways. :p 

In Topic: Duplication Glitch?

14 October 2014 - 06:11 AM

Only dumb people asking to be lent now when the glitch was so obvious. They kind of deserved to be frozen. They were probably hoping since it's just a lend, it won't matter whether if the item was duped.


OR this shows us that transferring the duped items via gift/trade is now highly monitored by TNT.



50% of the dupers will out themselves due to impatience after the first wave of mass freeze by TNT, I said that 1 week ago. I won't be wrong. 



I know but when I look at my bf being frozen.. He doesn't play neo. Ever. Unless I tell him there's a plot or something. His side accounts basically rot. And now with the dupe I informed him, and for lols he duped some TCG's. IIRC he said he had only two left on that account in the end. After doing so, he went back offline for days. Today he checked upon the account and found it being frozen. So even if you keep extremely low profile, they somehow managed to catch him either way. I am genuinely impressed. :o