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Member Since 29 Oct 2014
Offline Nov 21 2023 10:35 PM

Topics I've Started

Returning to the Codex - A Little bit about the BooBlah!

06 November 2023 - 07:28 PM

I'm not really used to posting online, but maybe this can be something new for me?
Here goes:

I'm 33 years old, and my birthday is tomorrow. I love playing Neopets to scratch the nostalgia itch, while also filling the void of being wildly unsuccessful on the website back when I was a young teen. My current Girlfriend used to play back in the day and now also plays with me on occasion (she is great about reminding me to do my dailies). I love being able to send her random stuff I know she likes, while also having someone to get excited over Neopets news with. I have two children ages 9 and 5. While I look forward to getting them interested in this game, I spend a lot of my free time with them, encouraging their own interests.

I work as an overnight supervisor for a medical manufacturing company. With my private desk, and no real responsibilities, I find most of my Neopets time at work (roughly 7 to 9 hours out of a 12 hour shift!). Half of my time on Neopets is restocking, but my main goal is trying to get at least one of every item I come across. I sell whatever I have doubles of and find myself just buying up random junk to add to the collection. My SDB just hit 9,000 unique items!


I live in the northern part of the united states (Yes I get a LOT of snow) and I love the Caribbean. I Like to hike, swim, fish, and collect pokemon cards (and the games) with my family. I have the worlds largest collection of air guitars, and I can play a mean Kazoo. I enjoy my family, my cat (when shes not pooping on the floor), and my friends!

Hope I did alright!


A Brilliant Return

02 November 2023 - 08:19 PM

It is with great emotion that I address you all on this momentous occasion.
We have experienced a hiatus that, for some, might have felt like an eternity. During this time, we may have missed the shared laughter, the heartfelt conversations, and the invaluable support that NeoCodex has always provided. But today, we rejoice in the fact that we are finally here, ready to start anew and embrace the future with open arms.
The power of community lies in its people, in the connections that we build, the shared experiences we accumulate, and the collective strength that we offer one another. From today forward, we witness the return of familiar faces, the reunion of old friends, and the potential for fresh bonds to be formed. This is not merely the revival of a community; it is the revival of the warm and inviting spirit that has always defined us.
What makes this moment even more special is the wealth of experiences that we bring back with us. The knowledge gained during our time away, the lessons learned, and the personal growth we've achieved - all of these are valuable assets that will enrich our community's journey ahead.
NeoCodex has always been a place of learning, collaboration, and support. It's where we celebrate each other's successes, provide comfort during challenging times, and foster an environment of growth and understanding. The revival of our community is an opportunity to continue this tradition, to build on the past and shape a future that is even brighter and more promising (and full of NP's!)
The happiness that we feel today is not just a fleeting emotion. It's a testament to the resilience of our community, to the enduring friendships we've forged, and to the unwavering spirit that binds us together. It's a reminder that no matter how much time may have passed, whether an admin, member or guest, their heart has been beating steadily, waiting for the moment we'd all come together once more.
As we embark on this new chapter, I encourage each one of you to reach out, to reconnect with old friends, and to extend a warm welcome to our new members. Let's rekindle the flames of our shared passions, immerse ourselves in the conversations and activities that have always made our community thrive, and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.
Thank you for being part of this remarkable revival. Your presence, your experiences, and your unique contributions are what make our community whole. Together, we will continue to create a space where each and every one of us feels at home, supported, and inspired.
Welcome back, dear friends. Here's to a bright and promising future for NeoCodex.
I never stopped giving up.
Thank you.