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Member Since 20 Nov 2014
Offline Jan 09 2016 04:50 PM

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In Topic: MSPP duped?

20 November 2014 - 02:34 PM

I would say its worth nothing in usd whether duped or not, simply because people don't know and won't want to take the risk

as for telling if its duped. submit a ticket, tnt may let you keep it, or reverse the transaction


but chances are if you didn't buy it from one of the 3 reputable users currently selling them, its probably duped


destroyerish, tamcola### and another i think __deuce or something like that

Thanks, i'll just send the ticket I suppose. wml

In Topic: MSPP duped?

20 November 2014 - 01:37 PM

I don't plan yet on selling it, I plan on lingering around A/C on neo and helping some people out. I've been restocking over 10 years, I would never return to neo if I lost it all D: I basically grew up on the site. 

In Topic: MSPP duped?

20 November 2014 - 01:30 PM

Sorry if I'm breaking rules by asking :p Just a question. 

I guess you could send a ticket asking TNT if they know if it's duped or not. If it is, we don't allow sales of duped items here.

That's a good idea. Even though it's scary considering my NP's are legit :(