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Member Since 10 Mar 2015
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Topics I've Started

how to get a UC pet

19 April 2015 - 09:09 AM

So, I was lurking the pc and I saw all those damn uc won't trade for high end draiks anymore

and I'm never chosen when I try to apply for one UFA (usually I do just a mail, not gonna lick the ass of the owner to get their uc, compared to the other who do artwork, stories and all that BS)

i heard you can buy some with neopoints but I don't know who sell their uc for nps?

"Ticket Reopened" question

10 March 2015 - 07:23 AM

Hi, Im sorry if I'm not in the correct place to post...


I was frozen 3 years ago for "cheating". I sent a ticket, and only got a reply like 1 week ago.

Tony P answered me saying he could return my account, but because of the reason the account was frozen, all my neopoints and items would not be returned.


I saw his reply a few days after, so I took the "additional infos" and said that I'm ok, finally after all thoses years...

And now my ticket status is "reopened", and I replied before all the layoffs....

so I was wondering when your status is reopened, does it take time for them to answer (like you go back to the end of the list for tickets) or once you've been adressed to someone, he has to follow your case...

I hope he wasn't part of the layoff...

By the way I didn't even cheat....