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Member Since 15 Mar 2015
Offline May 02 2015 07:45 AM

Topics I've Started

If you died, you'd come back as a.....

26 April 2015 - 08:42 AM

After watching a video about whale's love songs, I would want to come back as a whale.......insert fat jokes here....


18 April 2015 - 06:28 PM

So my husband and I signed up for a half- marathon. 


I use to run quite frequently....obsessively almost, but then I had a baby...


Then we went to the doctor and my husband's blood pressure was ridiculously high for a fairly fit gentleman in his late 20s. I suppose drinking 5 cups of coffee and dipping will do that to a person.


Its three months until my death.


Just had to tell someone I knew when and how I was going to die. 

Horse Drawn Carriages in Central Park

12 April 2015 - 09:36 AM

So it's been in the news lately that many people are battling over the horse-drawn carriages that are sprinkled throughout Central Park in New York City. I posted two videos of each of the opposing sides- videos are so much better than articles when you're in a hurry. As an individual who knows far too much (okay, I could never know too much) about equines, I can give a little insight on different events, outcomes, etc, but I want to hear your thoughts. I'm pretty torn between them, these horses get more vacation than most people, freak accidents are, honestly, a part of life, and, in general, these horses could very well end up slaughtered if the horse-drawn business was shut down like this- the reality of them living their lives out happily at shelters is highly unlikely. However, horses were never meant to live in the city, they do pose a danger to people, themselves, etc. particularly in busy areas or confined spaces.



Video One: AGAINST (like 2 minutes)


Video Two: FOR (ten minutes)



So, hit me with your best shot. 


I'm pretty sure they made a final conclusion and decided to move the horses OUT of Central Park/New York City, but I'm still curious to hear more arguments for and against. 

Duty to Rescue

03 April 2015 - 03:57 PM



In my ethics class we are debating the Duty to Rescue. I want to know your thoughts. 


Should this moral obligation to save people be a legal obligation as well?


In other words: should we, as human beings, be legally liable for doing nothing when another human is in peril?


Case Studies FOR being held liable:



Case Studies AGAINST being held liable:


Ultimately: I want your argument for your side. Evidentiary support is ALWAYS a winner. Opinions don't hold much power over evidence. 


Just so you know, currently, you, generally, cannot be held liable for doing nothing while someone is in peril. (Unless you are the parent, spouse, police officer, doctor, etc.)


Go get 'em.

Bragging Rights for my sister- Cake Decorating

02 April 2015 - 07:50 PM

I can't be humble about this.


My sister is one bad ass cake maker. I noticed there was some interest out and about on the forums on cake decorating so I wanted to brag.


I just....had too.


My sister has no formal training in cake decorating. Everything she has learned she has learned in the last two years. Some of her cakes still need a little work, but the creativity in them is epic. 


Here are a just a few pictures.....Hopefully I do this right. The last time I worked stuff on the internet like this I was in high school....eight years ago.


Also, apologies for just posting the photos and not hiding them so you guys can look at them by choice. I have no idea how to do that- feel free to enlighten whilst I go hunt around figuring out how to do it. Sorry for being such a noob!


Thanks for letting me be a contemptuous ass for my sister!




This was actually just a promotional one she did. 


Yes, I eat lots of cake because of her.



Despicable Me
