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Member Since 29 Mar 2015
Offline Mar 29 2015 08:40 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Today I learned...

29 March 2015 - 07:32 AM

So THAT'S what that thing is called. Oh, I just called it a cookie and left it at that. Anyway... 

TIL that pizza in Japan is very expensive, especially pizza hut. Like...$30 for a pathetic sized pizza. 

It was a sad day. :(

In Topic: Learning/Losing Languages

29 March 2015 - 07:10 AM

I recently moved to Japan for university and have been trying to learn the language for several years now (been trying since before I came here). Sadly I tend to get frustrated because I can't use it practically and then I give up. :c

I've improved a lot more since moving here, but I still can't have practical conversations. It really sucks and makes making friends kind of difficult. :/ 

In Topic: Tell me about your dreams

29 March 2015 - 07:05 AM

I had a dream that I went to Disney Land and there was a Lion King animatronics show, but they had restored it to the original 1990's version and I was really mad because apparently it just had baby simba which barely moved, Sarabi and Mufasa who only had their heads move and for some weird reason the Abraham Lincoln animatronic from the hall of presidents. And they were accompanied by people in suits, who came into the audience and scared the shit out of some of people.


Then I went home and I was upset that someone stole my "venus tomatoes". Then I woke up.



I had no idea that venus tomatoes were even a real thing. They are. I laughed about it with my friend saying "Then someone stole my venus tomatoes, whatever the heck those are. LOL My brain makes up some weird shit sometimes." and she was like, "....Those exist." Woah. 


Anyway yeah. That was my dream. 

In Topic: What would you name your child?

29 March 2015 - 06:56 AM

Emma and Emil are really cute. But I gotta hand it to Dan. 


I don't really plan on having kids though but I've always thought Ellie and Emil (ha!) would be really cute, or Alex. 

But realistically speaking, I'd probably give it some weird ass Japanese name and hope that they grow up to like anime because then they'll think it's the coolest thing ever. If they don't, they'll think I'm the lamest freaking parent ever and will hate me for all eternity. It's a gamble that I'd be willing to take though, if I even felt like having kids.

In Topic: Store Size - What are you working with? Should I go bigger?

29 March 2015 - 06:46 AM

Man, looking through these forums I feel like I just do Neopets entirely wrong. hahaha 

My poor little shop is only size 11. :(