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Member Since 15 Mar 2006
Offline Apr 08 2006 07:46 AM

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In Topic: Layout Test

27 March 2006 - 05:15 PM

LOL. I actually like ASP


and I needed a quick method of having these computer illiterates be able to edit their page with -no- knowledge of HTML or anything at all. Which is why I added that Member Login and an example of how I will use access databases to store page content that they can edit knowing only English on their website, no FTP stuff, no teaching them HTML, just a nice little Login (which doesn't use a password for that particular demonstration).

It can also be done with PHP with mySQL, which is much better, since ASP rapes (oh noes, halo sp34k) the server-side.

As for your page, I'd keep it gray-scaled, or just keep it very clean and simple; but you have to add something, right now you my aswell have a .txt. =P

It's not gray-scaled, it has vibrent red :p And I'm thinking of adding some gradients in someplaces, to give it a more, 'OFMG DATZ AMAZING', look, if you know what I mean.

In Topic: HR4437

27 March 2006 - 05:09 PM

I think it's a good idea because it's illegal people coming to our country to take jobs thay people that legally live here should get.

Posted Image

In Topic: Layout Test

27 March 2006 - 05:02 PM

Rambo, notice the ':p' smiley at the end of my sentence? I understand that the majority of the paragraph is randomly place latin words, but, I refer to it as 'Lipsum' or 'Lorem Ispum'. Just like every other definition in the English language that has multiple words standing for it, with no purpose.I was refering to it as Lispum, as it is just random latin words, and not actully any logical sense. It would be rather stupid to call it Latin, rather than Lorem Ispum, the given name for it.

And Sock, I know it is plain, I might be modifing it a bit to give it a little 'spark'. And why did you write the page in the devil code(ASP)? Tut tut tut :p

In Topic: Happy Birthday Sa�ah and Laser Wave

27 March 2006 - 09:40 AM

Happy birthday :)

In Topic: Layout Test

27 March 2006 - 09:24 AM

Joe: Was it -that- obivous? :p

And as for the bullet points, I don't know, it would knock things off center, wouldn't it? Unless you are refering to the side menu which we might be implementing.

Elemental: I'll experiment with the logo a bit, and see if I get something nice, but clean.

Rambo: No, it's Lispum :p