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Member Since 07 Sep 2015
Offline Jan 21 2019 01:43 PM

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In Topic: Sirvive's old stuff

10 April 2016 - 06:36 AM

haha Thank yall. Ill see what I can do. I missed the SoTW this week but maybe next week if I don;t have too much homework and tasks at work.

In Topic: Sirvive's old stuff

04 April 2016 - 07:25 PM

Who's bryan?


xD I am. On some old gfx website I used to go by the username b r y a n but I have been away from this scene for years. I am sure you are much better than I Bones. lol

In Topic: Sirvive's old stuff

03 April 2016 - 02:21 AM

Yeah @sirvive dis pretty action still kinda kewl xD


Do you wanna collab :o!?


That would be cool but I let me try to get up to date first and release a couple new things XD I am pretty rusty with photoshop.

In Topic: [Program] Neoquest's Auto Trainers

02 April 2016 - 02:21 PM

This seems to be working so far. If anyone with a higher stat pet can test it as my pets are all under lvl 20.

if lvl < 20 and mov > lvl*2 or stren > lvl*2 or defen > lvl*2 or hp > lvl*2:
    next_stat = "Level"
elif lvl < 20:
    next_stat = "Level"
elif stren < 40:
    next_stat = "Strength"
elif defen < 40:
    next_stat = "Defence"
elif hp < 60:
    next_stat = "Endurance"

elif lvl < 40:
    next_stat = "Level"
elif stren < 80:
    next_stat = "Strength"
elif defen < 80:
    next_stat = "Defence"
elif hp < 120:
    next_stat = "Endurance"

elif lvl < 80:
    next_stat = "Level"
elif stren < 160:
    next_stat = "Strength"
elif defen < 160:
    next_stat = "Defence"
elif hp < 200:
    next_stat = "Endurance"

elif lvl < 100:
    next_stat = "Level"
elif stren < 200:
    next_stat = "Strength"
elif defen < 200:
    next_stat = "Defence"
elif hp < 240:
    next_stat = "Endurance"

elif lvl < 120:
    next_stat = "Level"
elif stren < 240:
    next_stat = "Strength"
elif defen < 240:
    next_stat = "Defence"
elif hp < 300:
    next_stat = "Endurance"

elif lvl < 150:
    next_stat = "Level"
elif stren < 300:
    next_stat = "Strength"
elif defen < 300:
    next_stat = "Defence"
elif hp < 400:
    next_stat = "Endurance"

elif lvl < 200:
    next_stat = "Level"
elif stren < 400:
    next_stat = "Strength"
elif defen < 400:
    next_stat = "Defence"
elif hp < 500:
    next_stat = "Endurance"

elif lvl < 250:
    next_stat = "Level"
elif stren < 500:
    next_stat = "Strength"
elif defen < 500:
    next_stat = "Defence"
elif hp < 750:
    next_stat = "Endurance"

    next_stat = "Level"

In Topic: [Program] Neoquest's Auto Trainers

02 April 2016 - 01:35 PM

if lvl = 20 and stren < 40:
    next_stat = "Strength"
if lvl = 20 and stren = 40 and defen < 40:
    next_stat = "Defence"
if lvl = 20 and stren = 40 and defen = 40 and hp < 60:
    next_stat = "Endurance" 

You might want to avoid just using "=" in your if statments for example let's say the pet is indeed level 20 and stength is 41+ (could happen in a case you do some faerie quests or have random event happens). In that scenario:

if lvl = 20 and stren = 40 and defen < 40:

Would never run, right? O.o because if level is 20 and strength is not 40 (because somehow it got to 41+) it will just stop :p make sure you change it to: 

if lvl = 20 and stren >= 40 and defen < 40:

 And now that i'm writing this i think it's a good pratice to do that even for the level checks because a pet can also gain extra points while training and may end up a level or 2 above of those checks


Edit: I don't think if i've explained myself in a clear way. If i didn't i'll try to explain it to you by pm :)


Thank you ^_^ I am new to this lol. It didn't work but ill keep trying.