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Member Since 03 Dec 2015
Offline Dec 27 2015 01:52 AM

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05 December 2015 - 01:30 AM

I think I misunderstood the "if your username was a drink what would it be" question.  oops.  oh well.

i guess if nutro was a drink it would be something lime green and strong af.


05 December 2015 - 01:08 AM

1. Whats your favourite liquor?


Vodka.  Or Jagermeister.


2. Have you ever finished a bottle by yourself?


Uh....basically every bottle...


3. Tell me a funny drunk storry.


Nothing particular comes to mind.  There have been too many occasions of my friends and I crying from laughter at absolutely nothing whilst drunk.


4. Drunk regrets?


I remember my 21st birthday.


5. Have you ever got drunk just to do something?


Like you said, just to be drunk.  LOL.  I've also gotten day drunk multiple times..just cuz.


6. Do you like champagne?


I don't believe I've ever had champagne.


7. What is your idea of a 'girly' drink?


Idk.  Really anything fruity and 1% alcohol.


8. What is your idea of a 'manly' drink?




9. If your username was a drink what drink would it be?




10. Drunk stories (funny, romantic, shameful ETC.)


I've driven drunk before....and I didn't remember it until the next day.  Scariest fucking thing of my life.  I felt so much shame for like a week.  It's still hard to think about.

In Topic: Do you tip?

05 December 2015 - 12:44 AM

I always try to leave a very generous tip.  Even if the service was less than great.  I understand that somethings are out of the waiter/waitress' control.  Very rarely have I not left a tip. 


While I always do leave a tip, I do find it disgusting that these food service businesses exploit their employee's tips by paying them next to nothing while they bathe in their outrageous profits.  I don't think my not tipping will actually help anything.  I think if anyone were to make a difference, it would be the employee's themselves. 


I think that's something that we, as employees, forget.  We ARE the business.  While customers are primary, we are most definitely secondary.  It literally could not function without us.  If we banded together to make demands, we might actually come out on top.