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Member Since 23 Jun 2006
Offline Aug 25 2007 09:45 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What happens when your score gets reviewed?

21 April 2007 - 01:01 PM

lol, first time on this forum in a long time smile1.gif . Anyway for some reason I was a stupid idiot and decided to use a trainer on my main acc. Basically my score is above 1st ranked scorer . . . . I feel like crap because this is a 4 year old account with a whole mess of crap crybaby.gif . How long will it take for me to receive my inevitable freeze? Btw I did this last night . . .

In Topic: Pirating?

04 July 2006 - 08:53 PM

The intellectual property of a book? Of music? Of games? These are all made with money. You can hate the idea of information ownership, but it's a very real and very understandable law.

Were information not protected, any creative works could be stolen and sold without any compensation or credit. Anyone who puts energy and work into their product will have another man receive credit. Information can be owned.

I'm sure that he meant that we have only a licence to use the material. When he says own the work he means able to do whatever he wishes with it, in a strictly personal and noncommercial manner. For instance, because I have a licence to listen to the music on the CD, that does not technically allow me to rip the music onto my ipod (something the RIAA has stated in the past). What people want are farer policies. Why shouldn't I be able to make a backup of a CD for those just in case times. The music industry has expressed interests in making people pay licencing fees for every instance of the music you own. If I bought a CD and I put the music on my iPod, they want me to pay to have it on my iPod!
I'm not saying this is realistic on their part, but just the thought of how the Recording industry views the consumer is depressing.

In Topic: Pirating?

02 July 2006 - 05:24 PM

To think that I would see people defending purchasing! Well it is no shocker that the majority of people here aren't really against it. Personally I myself pirate most things. However, there are dependencies. The reason I have purchased no music CDs in years is wholy due to the tactics of the RIAA and their corrupt ideals. Call it capitalism at its works but, as a internet savy individual, it boils my blood to see this exploitation. Now if it is for an indie group, I'd buy it, however I don't listen to indie music :p .

As for software, same applies. I download photoshop, illustrator and many other apps. Now if the software was released by a independent small developing team and the software is truly worth it, I'll buy it. On the same note, I've tried to replace certain pieces of software with open-source alternatives. For instance, instead of using MS office, I now use open-office. Not the same but good enough for my needs.

In Topic: The "Oh no its catching up to an hour" Thread.

30 June 2006 - 11:14 PM

26 minutes ago

In Topic: Gave me a new perspective...

30 June 2006 - 05:26 PM

Anti-Abortionist propaganda . . . Its one thing to have your own opinion on an issue. I understand, how bout you get knocked up or knock someone up by accident. Just don't impose that opinion on everyone. To revoke that right, is to revoke a woman's freedom. And why must religion always be brought into everything? I'm religious, I believe that no life should be destroyed in this manner, yet I support choice. Very icky subject indeed.