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Member Since 23 Apr 2016
Offline Jun 23 2016 05:08 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hi! Just found out recently about this forum

18 June 2016 - 11:11 PM

Welcome! Thankfully, WoDFs are much, MUCH cheaper than before and far more attainable. Once you get the hang of ABing, you should be able to buy your own WoDF soon. 

In Topic: getting frozen

18 June 2016 - 11:09 PM

So wait, this freezing rampage is primarily related to AC? Because otherwise, I thought TNT mainly focused on freezing reported users. 

In Topic: coming out

23 April 2016 - 11:17 PM

Hehehe that sounds pretty cool really! Maybe in some ways you all just were drawn to one another before you realised you were all not particularly straight or soo. xP

Oh yeah, at one point, I started thinking that I was some sort of gay magnet - no joke. >__>; I mean, I'm not complaining. It's great knowing all these not-straight people, haha. 


To add to this I'd suggest moving out of your parents house before informing them due to the aforementioned situation.

Something to that effect, yeah. OP needs to be prepared for the worst, which usually means getting cut off. Some parents will be accepting, some will be reluctant, some will feign ignorance all the while rejecting your coming out (like my parents... even though I have a long distance girlfriend, they refuse to acknowledge that I'm gayer than all the rainbows in the sky) and finally, some will utterly reject you, which is pretty terrifying. 

In Topic: coming out

23 April 2016 - 10:48 PM

I kind of came out to my friends, I guess? I have a girlfriend and I told a handful of my pals about her and they were all really chill about it. The twist is, most of my friends just happen to be not heterosexual in some way. I had no idea about their sexualities, but one by one, they all came out as not heterosexual or just popped up with girlfriends (I only have female friends, sad) out of nowhere. 


I've had plenty of people come out to me and I didn't mind at all, but then again, being homosexual myself, it would be peculiar if I did have a problem with others coming out.


Anyway, I've seen many situations where the parents are openly homophobic, but turn out to be more accepting once they find out their own child doesn't identify as straight. But this isn't the case with everyone. If I were you, I'd skip out on informing my parents at the moment, because things could get dicey easily. However, when you do decide the right time to come out to your parents, I would recommend you prepare for any scenario to play out, with the worst case being you getting kicked out of the house and exiled from the family.