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iCafe Love

Member Since 30 Jun 2006
Offline Sep 30 2006 09:00 PM

Topics I've Started


10 August 2006 - 09:24 PM

Can someone make me a sig 500x100
render = http://www.gamerende...p...=si&img=650

make the bg kinda soft with light colors

thanks <3

Banner / Sig Request

30 June 2006 - 02:14 AM

Hello, I am in need of a banner for my team and a Sig for myself :D


Size 700x100
Style: Something with this kind of feel: http://balron.ncompa.../sig/sig_11.jpg
Text: iCafe Gaming

Size: Whatever looks good
Style: Anime style, with the render of Mugen from Samurai Champloo
Text: In the background I'd like it to say"iCafe" in sort of a transparent look, and then overlapping it it to say "Love" but a little darker

Thank you all very much, and I really appreciate the work whoever puts in to do this.