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Member Since 01 Jul 2006
Offline Oct 09 2015 08:34 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Remember Me?

04 October 2010 - 12:57 AM

You really shouldn't assume. Multiple times and yes, the thousands that use my tools do care. And giving people the option to turn dailies into "hourly" grabs is something no one has done before and will most likely not do. I just killed your assumptions bro, how much in your face am I?

Val's been in trouble with the cops for some time until midsummer of this year.

In that case, Raph made a good aber and Keith made a PHP aber.
I don't think Arash really cares how many programmers he knew, I think me made this list to see if anybody he remembered is still about. Why does anybody care if people programmed or not. Go hack the pentagon if you want to be respected in the hacking community, don't make a few neopets programs and think your a badman. If you are the original infamous then congratulations you have done a lot in the neopets community, but my god do you come across as up yourself.

Please don't take this as a flame it is an observation.

In Topic: Remember Me?

03 October 2010 - 08:07 AM

Seriph - useless

I'd say only like 5% of this list has people who really made a change in cheating history for Neopets.

Yay I'm on a list.
Cheers for calling me useless have you ever made a change in cheating history? No? Does anybody care? No. My god some people are so elitist. I was just a member of forums to have fun.

Long time no speak arash hows life been.

In Topic: Anyone from my time

07 January 2010 - 07:29 AM

hmm im sure ive heard the name slapdog mentioned but i cant remember why - were you infamous or famous?

Hi anywho!

Noit, Sl, dro, dan, hobo, sonic, frizzle to name a few are still pretty active :)

Dunno about infamous or famous, I made a few programs but the only one which was particularly good was completely private and only used by me any one other person. Used to crack a lot of neo accounts back in the day but if the rules here are the same I probably should be discussing that, been legit for a while. Graphics were always my forte but that section appears to have died. I remember seeing hobo and Noit back in the day, never really talked to them. I made noit an avatar a while ago but he doesn't seem to use it any more. And I don't really remember any of the other names. Shame.