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Member Since 04 Jul 2006
Offline Aug 14 2007 03:33 PM

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In Topic: Drug Topics

04 July 2006 - 06:47 PM

Im going to go with no. Why?
Where to start? This is a child friendly site, not a drug related site. It's a very inapropriate topic to discuss with children viewing it.
Not everyone is at the same maturity level. I'm the second youngest codexian, and I couldn't care less about drug realted forums, however, I still think they are immature, silly, and usless. Nobody cares about how you enjoy harming yourself. It's your bussiness. Not ours.
-cara xxx

edit, edit .. ugh my points sucked. I really don't feel like re-wording my last post .. so .. Ill post it. Bite me. :p

By making a thread based on which drugs you prefer to get wasted on best isn't exactly saying they're bad.
The thread was idiotic, silly, inapropriate, and usuless. What will you gain from it? Letting all of codex know how you like to get wasted? Wow. News flash, dearest, nobody cares. Your thread was silly, because getting wasted on something illegal is a matter you should keep to yourself, keep it personal, not generally post it. What will you gain from it? Making people think you're an immature, underaged druggie? Obviously you're missing a great factor. There are children on this forum. It's a child friend forum, and having topics about how people like to hurt themselves by getting wasted on illegal things is not exactly child friendly. If they wanted to go on a drug related site, they would have. this site is supposed to be clean. It's disgusting how you're not accepting the fact that not everybody on this forum are like you or of an older generation. Me, being the second youngest person here, 12, I know all about drugs, what they do, where to get them, etc, and I still couldn't care less how you like to get wasted. If everybody in here made a thread on how they hurt themselves on purpose, there would be a alot of freakin threads.
Please, Cody, don't eat me, I know that drugs won't harm you if you take the right amount, dont get addictive, etc, but generally people don't know how much that is. So please, I several of your posts, no need to jump on me. tongue.gif
Anyways. Seriously. Then you quote everyone in a horrible fashion and send negativity to them. I didn't mean anything negative. You asked why they closed it. I answered. I tried to be polite and nice, and on an extremely serious note, Iam very sorry if I implied anything negative, offensive or if I hurt you in any way. If so, tell me, and I'll apologies, no need to say something negative.
So seriously. Keep your drugs your bussiness, because it sure as freaking hell isn't ours. Your thread was immature and silly. Nobody cares how you enjoy getting high.
Thanks if you actually made it through this post.
-- and sorry for the typos .. hmpf .. Im too lazy to edit them once typed.
-cara xx

uh, i dont think he ment talking about USING THEM, but talking about them, i go with you about not making a section about it, but talking about it in the general chat would be nicer.

In Topic: Can anyone help me?

04 July 2006 - 06:45 PM

You don't use it. You install it so you can use programs found on Codex. Mumei made it to prevent leaking and if the program suddenly has a high freeze rate or the author wants to disable the program he/she can instantly

so, i downloaded Max Multitrainer, and i try to run it, and it says Please check for required files, what do i do then?

In Topic: Drug Topics

04 July 2006 - 06:35 PM

Why not? In fact, it could get into an intellectual conversation, i dont approve of USING drugs, but talking about them is a must. Ammendment 1 baby.

In Topic: lol this is stupid

04 July 2006 - 09:11 AM

Take a screenshot of your shop logs! :o

maybe i will....

In Topic: LOL funny story

04 July 2006 - 08:31 AM

You've definately been watching too much DBZ. :lol:

actually my friend brandon told me this hehehehe but i think HIS friend told that to him, and HIS friend got it off the internet, i dunno i wasnt paying attention when he told me the story :)

In spongebob

Spongebob Square Pants

Bikini Bottom

Sandy Cheeks

All relate to..the gluteus maximus!
