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Member Since 02 Jul 2017
Offline Sep 29 2017 02:59 PM

Topics I've Started

NeoCodex vs JellyNeo Item databases

28 September 2017 - 11:27 PM

Hey guys, I am currently restocking food and while scrolling through item databases for both websites and noticed discrepancies between the Food categories for both websites. Does anyone know if the food category in jellyneo is referring to the Neopian Fresh Foods shop? Would really appreciate the help!

Issues with Ambrosia relating to item database

03 July 2017 - 10:31 AM

So I tried using ambrosia for a short trial yesterday ( first time), and while the program was quite impressive, I have had trouble with getting it to buy profitable items. This issue is linked to the item database prices. My account is new, so I have mainly been re-stocking at food and bookstores. Even when I have used Neocodex's item database in the past, the sell prices have been greatly inflated, especially for items such as purchased in the bakery. The result is that the program ended up buying several HTS and unprofitable items. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions about resolving this. I have found that Jellyneo, though sometimes underestimating prices, rarely is deviates too much from current market values. I would appreciate any thoughts on this topic. Thanks!

Hello! New member, recently made a Neopet account

02 July 2017 - 05:53 PM

Hi everyone! Neo Codex has been really useful to me as I try opening a new shop. I hope to be able to learn from the more experienced players and am willing to help out other members if I can.