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Member Since 11 Jul 2006
Offline Aug 04 2006 07:46 PM

Topics I've Started

Do I type too perfect?

19 July 2006 - 12:21 AM

I've learned over the 6 years I've used the Internet that being active on a forum without using common shorthand in posts suggests that people eventually believe that you are either too professional to be friends with people of the same age range (them), or are a 50 year old English professor.

Taking a look at people's signatures, it seems most friendships have been forged over "omg i <3 u cara" and similar conversations between members on messaging programs. The usual faux-love online conversations that people use to break the ice, get to know each other and to generate comradery, seem to be prevalent on this forum.

The way I see it, I can be professional, use proper grammar, make no real friends and possibly be considered for a Moderator position by the end of the year.

Or I can use AIM shorthand, make a ton of friends, have an MSN list full of interesting people, yet never gain any decent status on this forum due to not being taken seriously.

If I were to forego this step entirely, would I ever make friends?

Does the fact that I used a word like "comradery" automatically remove me from the Cool list?

or would i have to type liek this to be friends wit u guys??? i mean srsly id consider it if it works k? thx

EDIT- Removed bold tags for clearer reading.