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Member Since 12 Jul 2006
Offline Mar 02 2008 05:42 PM

Topics I've Started

Where is the the 67k grabber?

22 July 2007 - 02:18 PM

I don't know where to post this but where'd "67K Grabber, -Updated Again-" go?

It was here Yesterday.

neopets tool bar!

01 October 2006 - 10:10 AM

To preface this, This is not a spew random crap and scare everyone thread. I am a fan of the Neopets toolbar but wanted people to know what it does that TNT doesn't tell us about.

What it does
Every Minute whenever you are connected to the internet the Neopets Toolbar sends a message to the Neopets Server, EVEN WHEN IT IS NOT VISIBLE!

This message includes:

* What browser you are using
* What account you are logged into/have logged into
* The session data TNT uses to keep people logged in
* A unique ID for your toolbar
* Version of your toolbar

Why should I care?
Most of that stuff seems to be OK, but why does TNT need a lot of it? Does TNT need to be updated every minute as to what accounts you are logged into? Does TNT need to track your specific toolbar, so even if you clear cookies and get a new IP address they can track you? It seems some of the information that is sent seems to be for the sole purpose of tracking users.

Also, this constant check can be used to track when a person is online and for how long. Think about how scary that is! TNT can know how long you are online, how much of that is spent on Neopets, and should they alter their software a little, what web sites you go to. What if in the future you got better Random events just based on which sponsors sites you went to! Pretty scary!

If you would like to see this check, download the firefox TamperDate extension and then let your computer sit and watch the logs it creates. At least every minute it contacts the Neopets Server

neopets score

01 October 2006 - 07:13 AM

i just sent my score for Potato Counter i had like 10 over the first place (223). they said they will review my score and i wasnt cheating will i get banned?!? i have 564k too i dont want to lose that.