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Member Since 09 Jun 2018
Offline Jun 11 2018 03:47 AM

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In Topic: Is it worth playing neo anymore?

09 June 2018 - 07:59 AM

The best players now are the worst players from years ago. 


Lmao, so true.


Nostalgia is definitely the only thing worth going back for. :rofl:


But that is pretty much it. The cons outweigh the pros by miles. The community is dying, but the small group of delusional regulars who hang out in the TP board will tell you otherwise while bumping up their boards (and each others) with spam endlessly day after day. :rofl: :rofl: The in-game economy is terrible. Lets not forget the ridiculous profanity filter in a family friendly game where games like slots, scratchcards, lottery and betting are plentiful. Player support is atrocious with not only random and unfair account freezes but also with the outrageously long time to receive a reply after submitting a ticket (if you actually receive a reply, that is!). And to have access to a search engine that displays the lowest cost of items in shops, you have to pay for Premium? I mean, isn't that a basic feature for any game that has a buy-sell player system? :rolleyes: Optimization for the game is horrid. With the recent Faerie plot, the purple fog that they put on almost every daily made the pages lag terribly or not load at all. For a web browser based game, that's just embarrassing. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: And lets not forget the recent event where the website was down, pages were not loading or took hours to load a single page. And there was not a single word or update from TNT to inform players that they are trying to fix the issue. And they charge $70 USD for annual premium membership for customer service like that, with "premium services" which are basic and really nothing premium.


If theres one thing that is amazing about the game, its the miracle of how it is still running and how there are still some players who are actually paying for premium.  :whistling:  :whistling:


Check out some of these as well:


This is the official FB page for Neopets. Do have a look at the ridiculous number of comments and complaints that others have made following poor player support, or no support from TNT at all.



Numerous complaints about poor service, unfair freezing and even credit card fraud




