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Member Since 27 Jul 2018
Offline Aug 03 2018 04:43 AM

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Having an issue with my own list for AB on Abrosia

30 July 2018 - 07:25 PM

So I have tested out my own list and I am unsure what I am doing wrong. Whether it is my list making, or if it is my ABing.


I have tried RSing in stamps for the past couple days, at ridiculously high intervals, less than 1 second refresh and less than 1 second for haggle etc.

I did this in spurts on multiple accounts, and not even one haggle has shown up.

This is weird, as this should be fast enough to at least get a SOLD OUT message, especially if everyone here is using it at the recommended 3-7 second interval no?

Even if others are using it as fast as I am, shouldn't it at least get to the haggle screen, and Abrosia would notify me that it sold out before it could buy? I don't even get that message.

My list is a standard txt file, with one item on each line. It has worked in several other stores, including foods, but has yet to grab anything but 1 UB in several days.


My question is, is it just impossible to RS in some shops even with Abrosia? I mean, I feel like refreshing under 1 second is definitely fast enough to at least haggle, but it's not even getting to that point. Are people buying and haggling in half a second? 

As far as internet connection, I have google fiber, and run a proxy off my own server, and average network speeds through the proxy hit around 200-500Mbps.

Does Neocodex have a chat forum?

30 July 2018 - 12:33 AM

Hi, long time lurker, and new member here.

Just wondering if there is a chat forum, or discord server here for members?