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Member Since 23 Sep 2018
Offline Sep 24 2018 03:17 PM

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plot #5 in aldator i cant find the small link please please help

23 September 2018 - 06:16 PM

My friend has just gotten me to like neopets. I never even knew it existed I have been playing a month and found out about the plots in Altador. I couldn't find the sleeper but I finally found the sleeper. Then I couldn't find the dreamer and I finally found the dreamer. Now it is telling me to click on a very small link in the restive tomb and I cant find that I have tried for three days. I know it is suppose to be at the bottom left but still no luck. I looked it up and people are talking about the tabbing method and I have no idea what that is then they are talking about a link to type in but I have no idea how to even do that. I'm soo sorry for being a pain in the butt, but I'm really excited to play and want to move forward in the game. can anyone help me please..   p.s. this is the first time having a laptop so I'm new at all this and don't know how to do much yet. It would be greatly appreciated if I could get some help thanks neofriends ;)