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Member Since 20 Oct 2018
Offline Jan 29 2021 12:11 PM

Topics I've Started

Multiple mains? How risky?

21 December 2020 - 10:31 PM



I finished up my goals on one account, then created another, and finished those goals, and now I'm working on a third account. The accounts don't share neopoints or items at all, except for maybe giving a one/two dubloon coin to the account with my battledome pet once in a while. Basically, I'm acting as if they're entirely different people playing the game. I do log into all three regularly from my laptop. I'm nervous about getting frozen for multi, but I've been doing this for about three years and I've been fine. I try to mix up the activities I do on each account to prevent the website from catching me through trends.


I justify it by remembering that my brother and I each had our own accounts on the same laptop when we were little, linked to the same email address even, and we never got in trouble. Then again, we never achieved very much on our accounts, so it might not have mattered anyways.


My accounts are all on separate email addresses, they don't transfer funds/items, they don't post to the forum and rarely post to the trading post. I don't run any cheating programs on any of my accounts. I do play ghoul catchers on my phone and take turns signing each account in and earning for them.


How at risk am I for freezing? What can I do to protect myself?