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Member Since 23 Feb 2019
Offline Private

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Retired items

15 March 2019 - 10:05 PM

I was wondering this also! I have a ton of retired items in my SDB cause I was super active for like 2 years then nothing for 5-6. 

It definitely reflects that lol.


This was like 2 months ago I guess so I have newer stuff goin on in there. I mostly sell any items I get from dailies right away though.

Most are well yeah junk.


Trying to be smarter about my money tree grabs though. That is super helpful to know because I've been kicking myself for missing those retired items.

I grabbed "Tarla's Coat" the other day and was like JACKPOT only to find that oh it's not worth anything.

Thought maybe it was just that one seeing as it's not wearable for customizing lol. I guess not. :(

In Topic: Charity Corner coming soon :D

15 March 2019 - 10:00 PM

I have been hearing about this here and there. Still have no idea what exactly it is?

I was told to save omelettes and jellys however....not sure why lol.

In Topic: Lyra and the lost heirloom plot

15 March 2019 - 09:59 PM

So I may just be a n00b.

But I have been on/off neo for like 16 years now.

And I have never heard of plots???


Am I just out of the loop/oblivious always or are they a somewhat newish thing?

In Topic: Neopets is getting a full mobile app!

15 March 2019 - 09:46 PM

TBH i so prefer to use it on the computer however the lag is ridiculous at times.

It's a lot easier to type out and have a convo on the computer.

Could just be that I'm so used to neo on a computer tho also.


One thing I did notice about using neo on my phone browser is the captchas seem less frequent.

Is that just me?

In Topic: What made you turn to cheating in NP?

15 March 2019 - 09:39 PM

I used to have like 20 accounts and did dailies on all of them. Most were purged out.

The only one that got frozen was for an inappropriate account name lol.



I am tempted to go back to those ways especially with trudy's surprise but I am terrified of losing all my stuff/getting frozen.

Seems people are super report happy and will get a gang of other users after you with little explanation as to why..


I am newly back and still have access to a couple accounts. One main and one side and it was kinda funny coming back and looking at everything on them.

Almost identical SDBs and NP amounts.


I have always had an addiction to pound surfing and being cheap with my NP I love finding a dream pet vs painting one myself.

Of course it is ALOT easier to get painted converted pets these days though. I still get excited seeing them pop up though.