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Member Since 11 Mar 2020
Offline Mar 16 2020 08:01 AM

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Returning Player

11 March 2020 - 08:44 AM

Hey everyone! You can call me mlemon. I've played Neopets since I was 7-years old. I quit a few years back and I've hit kind of a bored streak between college sessions, so I'm looking to get back into the game. I'm currently majoring in Computer Science with a concentration in Cyber Security and I'm a Junior. I play other games like League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Maplestory, and Magic: The Gathering. Hope to see you all around. Thanks for having me!




My Facts:

- My favorite Neopet and color combination is UC Halloween Zafara....always looking.

- One of my favorite past times is speed solving rubix cubes. I'm currently solving 5x5x5s at about a minute and a half. Looking to get into 6x6x6 soon.

- I enjoy programming, specifically Java and C#.

- I'm getting married soon. Both scared and excited, obviously.

- I have a two dogs, a cat, and a sugar glider.

- I have a fascination for snakes, frogs, and other scaly beaus. I've owned a red tailed boa (het anery type 2), two ball pythons (one pastel one normal morph), and a green asian vine snake. Also have had a budget frog, whites tree frog, and a crested gecko.

- I have dyslexia. I'm constantly mixing up b's, p's, 9's and 6's. Despite this I love to write :D.

- I have 5 published poems and one published short story.

- Mild obsession with galaxy cats. They're cute k.