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Member Since 01 Mar 2021
Offline Mar 18 2021 03:02 PM

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In Topic: Is there any way to find out what the original e-mail of an acc is?

04 March 2021 - 06:17 AM

Basically, yes, but considering it involves hacking/stealing we don't allow that method to be sold/instructed/performed here. 


But we are a cheating forum, so if you restart, we can help you build back up very quickly. 



Ah sadly I couldn't restart even if I wanted to, I had several UCs, retired trophies/avs on this acc and there's no way I could get that back :(


In Topic: Is there any way to find out what the original e-mail of an acc is?

03 March 2021 - 08:18 AM

Not in anyway that we allow on our forum. 


So best is to try and guess it sadly. 


Now you make me wonder if there's a way that's not allowed... Lol

but I understand. I haven't found anyone who can help me with this :( So I guess I won't be getting the acc back sadly. There's no way I can remember the email I made it when I was like 9