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Member Since 24 Aug 2006
Offline Dec 15 2006 04:55 PM

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Greetings from planet Newbula! :D

24 August 2006 - 11:59 PM

Hello there! < 3
I'm Peachy (if you haven't noticed), and I'm new here. :3 I've always been in the vast world of selling and trading neopets, so I thought it was time to broaden my horizon - so I joined this board! n__n Hurray! But no hurray for newbieness. It's rather embarassing to be a newbie. D:

By the way.. do you know that the scientists that RULE THE WORLD decided that Pluto was too small to be labeled a "planet"? Dx Poor Pluto! What is he now? ;o;

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST. this face makes me lol. whistling.gif