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Member Since 15 Apr 2021
Offline Jul 19 2021 04:01 PM

Topics I've Started

Any way to prevent Abrosia from buying certain items?

07 May 2021 - 06:01 PM

I've had moments where Abrosia has bought items that have a rather inaccurate estimation of the profits made when selling said item. One of these is the Osiris Pottery Stamp, which has a price of about 2400 with a supposed profit of 10k, even though it's worth about 2200. I added it to the banneditems text documents (I figured I might as well try as I don't know what it's purpose is) but that didn't change anything. Is there any way to prevent Abrosia from buying these items (aside from upping the profit benchmark)?

Some questions from a veteran Abrosia user

15 April 2021 - 06:39 PM

Hi there! I recently got back access to my ex-frozen account. I had a few questions about how to use Abrosia correctly.

1. Are the odds of being frozen high?
2. I read the avoid-being-frozen checklist. It said to also buy non-profitable items. How is this possible with Abrosia? Is there anything else you can do?
3. How long should you keep Abrosia running a day for it not to be suspicious? (Considering membership in case this can make it different.)
4. In case I got a membership, what stores are most profitable?
5. How apparent is autobuying for the Neopets team?
6. As for some troubleshooting, after a couple days of using Abrosia again I am unable to login to the application. Does this happen more often and if so how would I fix it?

Apologies for the formatting, on my phone right now.

Thanks for any future help =)