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Member Since 13 May 2004
Offline Apr 14 2015 05:53 PM

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Abrosia still buying even after I turn it off?

30 August 2013 - 11:49 AM

This has happened a few times now, I looked through some old threads and they mentioned checking my taskbar and stuff. 


I stop abrosia and even log out now and completely close the whole thing because it's happened so many times and I will be cruising neopets and I'll hear that ding sound, I also get logged out.  I'll have more items of the shop I ab at in my shop and  I dont know how it's doing this.  I'm sort of worried about getting frozen but It'll be my own fault if I do so not to much to cry about there. 


Anybody have this problem and how did you manage to find a solution for it??