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Member Since 10 Nov 2006
Offline Dec 01 2006 05:13 PM

Topics I've Started

Mario and Luigi in Vice City

13 November 2006 - 02:21 AM


Just like the Lego one. Dang, I love these things. tongue.gif

Spending too much

13 November 2006 - 12:38 AM

Well, I've just got my aquarium set up and healthy with one fish and a couple snails roaming around. It's completely planeted and looks pretty good. Now I've just put two very nice fish on hold and I'm buying them on probably wednesday... How much do they cost you ask? 70$ and 80$ a fish. They are really neat discus fish that are medium size and VERY colorful.

I've asked myself maybe I shouldn't blow so much money on stuff I don't really need but I do anyways. I don't really have many bills to pay but still, probably should be saving for christmas. I love blowing tonnes for presents for everyone.

Anyone else do the same as me or am I the only fish in the water? tongue.gif

Futurama Update?

10 November 2006 - 05:49 AM

Hey! As most of you know Futurama is coming back in about a year and a half or so (or so were told). And I havn't heard so much as a whisper if things are still on track. Anyone have any info on this? I'm dying to see new episodes!

Fututama Forever!

Freezing spree?

10 November 2006 - 05:47 AM

Hey all, I just started playing neopets not too long ago and it seems everyone is getting frozen. Even if they were playing with cheats or not! What the heck is going on with them? wacko.gif Any way to protect my account?

Ello all.

10 November 2006 - 05:12 AM

I've been browsing around and thought I might start out by saying hello. wink.gif I was told about your site here through word of mouth. You all seem very friendly and I hopefully will get to hear from you all soon enough. wink.gif Thanks. smile.gif